Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Thankful Genealogy List

It's Thanksgiving.  Time to give thanks for the many blessings in my life.  I thought I would put together a list of some of the things I am thankful for from a genealogical perspective.

The Internet which has brought billions of records to my fingertips.

Social Networks which gives me closer contact to cousins all over the world.

The Mormons for having a belief that calls them to rescue genealogical documents.

The Government officials that required us to document certain facts about our lives.

Developers of the Camera who gave us the ability to see likeness of our ancestors.

Computer which allows me to store, review, edit and present to others copies of our family tree.

Makers of Family Tree Maker who created my favorite genealogy program.

Newspaper Writers, Editors, & Publishers for sharing the stories of our lives.

Genealogy Podcasts which keep me inspired to  continue my genealogical research.

All the Libraries and their staff who provide access to an abundance of information.

My Ancestors that left a lot of documentation about their lives because of them I feel I am making a lot of progress.

My Ancestors that left little documentation and led me to a brick wall because of them I am challenged to break it down.

My husband who loves genealogy as much as I do.

My late mother who handed me her work and started me on this adventure.

And thank you to everyone who has glanced at my blog!

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